Brain Powered Confidence

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Brain Powered Confidence

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Your 7 Step Roadmap to Beat Self-Doubt
and unleash Unstoppable Confidence

"Brain Powered Confidence will transform you from feeling full of self-doubt, constantly held back by your inner critic, to feeling empowered, positive and excited, through experiencing life-changing Confidence."

Do you feel held back by your Inner Critic or Impostor Syndrome, saying you're good enough, or that you're a fraud?  

Maybe you feel directionless, like you're missing opportunities and wasting precious time by not fulfilling your purpose. Perhaps you know that you've got more to give, but you struggle to be your authentic self.

The great news is this: it's within your control to change it


Brain Powered Confidence

The only online course that connects the power of neuroscience to address your real-life confidence challenges.

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Before I tell you about this, let’s check if you’re a good fit:


You are right for Brain Powered Confidence if you want to say goodbye to anxiety, worry and self-doubt and channel the authentic confidence you know that you deserve. 

Brain Powered Confidence is right for you if you if you want really practical, science-based research and training that can transform your confidence levels, starting today!  Always left unsatisfied by courses lacking substance or facts?  Look no further for the latest research, tools and experience that really works...  PLUS it's CPD Certified, so you can use towards your annual training requirement too.

Who will benefit from Brain Powered Confidence

Early in Your Career

You want the best possible practical tools to accelerate your progression and be armed ahead of time to overcome obstacles.  You want to know yourself really well and learn how to get the best from your skills and knowledge.


You’ve got Ambition

You want to climb the ladder without fear holding you back, feeling empowered to be authentically yourself.  You want to accelerate your career, reaching your goals faster, without compromising your happiness.


You’re trying to have the job, look after your family and balance it all, but self-doubt holds you back and you struggle to say no - you're always last on the list!


Career Breakers

You’ve had a career break and want to regain that confidence you’ve lost.  You want to feel proud of all the skills you've learned and to own your space, not apologise for your life choices.

Managers and Leaders

You want the best new tools and knowledge to inspire and empower you and your team for exceptional performance.  You want to fill in the gaps of your own knowledge and deepen your confidence in a safe, confidential space.

You’re in the right place!

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By the end of this programme you will have:


This is the only online programme which deeply connects the power of neuroscience to address your real-life challenges for long lasting, high impact change.


In 7 easy steps, you will learn how to build unwavering self-belief, clarity of purpose; how to crush your inner critic & imposter syndrome; build resilience, balance and boundaries and much MUCH more! 


You will gain the confidence you need to achieve the successful career you want, the pay you deserve, at the level you should be.


"What really sets this course apart is the fact that Caroline has walked the corporate walk and she gets it... no HR fluff... facts, figures and a genuine understanding of the challenges of succeeding at a high level in the corporate world based on real-life experience.Highly recommend."

Chief of Staff to the CEO,  Resources Industry

Brain Powered Confidence

"Highly Recommend"

“I found this course to be both a simple and profound, science-based course that you could work through at your own pace. Reinforced by live zooms, where one could interact with other like-minded people from different countries.

Such a positive practical course. Has helped me negotiate and busy stressful workplace with greater understanding and purpose. Now to put it into practice. A really enlightening experience - I can highly recommend."​

- Kim Barrett
"Most useful course I have ever taken"

“I finished the Brain Powered Confidence course and I have to say, it is the single most useful course I have ever taken!  Guided by all the tools, tips and tricks, it was easy to understand and adopt them into my daily life.

The course is really well structured, broken down into bite sized sections that can be spread out over a period of time to suit everyone's schedule. The tools are diverse, fun and really easy to implement!  

I encourage everyone to take it and I couldn't recommend it any higher! "​

- Lizette Lloyd

"Brilliant Course!"
“What really struck me was the neuroscience approach, understanding how our brain works and the practical tools to learn to control it or act differently, plus I also really enjoyed the interaction with others on the Masterclass.  

If someone is interested in understanding the neuroscience and gaining confidence, this is for them.   

I think its a brilliant course, I thoroughly enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it!
- Jasmina Negrini

Let's get into the details...


It's all about YOU


  • ​The No 1 critical building block for confidence: Your Values 
  • How you are fundamentally motivated
  • The unexpected science of negative thinking
  • How to operate with absolute confidence in yourself and your decisions
  • Your first Micro Confidence Challenge


Amazing Brain Tool 2:
Call To Action

Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Call To Action

Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Call To Action


Confidence & the Caveman Brain  

This module is building the strong foundation for your new, Confident Brain.  You will learn the most important elements of the Neuroscience of Confidence, how to stop judging yourself and start taking control of you mind!

Module Highlights:

  • The most important Evolutionary Brain Facts that drive your life and confidence 
  • Creating a Success Mindset with the Science of Happiness
  • How to be 100% Authentically Confident
  • How to Rewire Your Brain with Brilliant Success Habit 1

Amazing Brain Tool 1


        Values:  It's all about YOU       

Module 2 will give you so much confidence in who you are & where you are going because, "When you know yourself, you can trust yourself."  You will get to know yourself deeply, empowering you to make your best possible life decisions.

Module Highlights:
  • Your Values:  Identify & understand these crucial guideposts in your life
  • Know your key motivators & how to harness them to take decisions with confidence
  • How to notice & manage the unexpected Science of Negative Thinking
  • Your first Micro Confidence Challenge 
Amazing Brain Tool 2


Smashing Your Inner Critic
You know all too well the voice who says you aren't good enough, smart enough, lazy or worse!  We are going to learn how to manage it HEAD ON, quietening your fears and giving you some brilliant tools for more balance and calm in your life. 

Module Highlights:

  • The SAS Technique: Taking control of your mindset
  • Understanding and managing your limiting beliefs, perfectionism and procrastination
  • 3 Brain Hacks to Smash your Critic
  • Ditching the guilt and creating healthy boundaries for your own wellbeing
  • Rewire Your Brain with Success Habit 2
Amazing Brain Tool 3:


Beating Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome can be totally crippling.  It can mean you are faced with anxiety and dread on a regular basis, leading to stress and even avoiding opportunities that you're more than capable of crushing.  In this module, you will learn the truth about Imposter Syndrome and how you can overcome it, so you can achieve your true potential.

Module Highlights:
  • Why Imposter Syndrome feels so hard to beat
  • Letting go of The Curse of Social Comparison
  • Break Through Imposter Syndrome by Managing your Masks
  • The 3 Secret Steps to Beating Imposter Syndrome
  • The Anti - Imposter Tool to smash it when it comes up
  • Your second Micro Confidence Challenge
Amazing Brain Tool 4:


How to Stop Avoiding Conflict & Tough Conversations
Are you stuck because you're afraid of having tricky discussions?  Maybe you want a pay rise, promotion or job change, but don't have the words or feel sick bringing it up.  Or perhaps it's a relationship with a friend, family member or partner?  Why does this happen?! 
We will break it all down with more great tools in Module 5. 
Module Highlights:
  • Why your brain hates conflict
  • How not to shy away from conflict in your life
  • The brilliant questions you can learn to progress your career
  • How to take on tough conversations, performance reviews and salary discussions with confidence
  • Rewire Your Brain with Success Habit 3
Amazing Brain Tool 5:


Purpose:  Finding Your Uniqueness
It can be really tough when you have that nagging feeling that you're in the wrong place; that you're meant to be doing something else, but you aren't sure what it is, or where to start!  In our Purpose module, we help you tap into that deep inner voice and get on the right path to finding what you were truly meant to do on this planet!

Module Highlights:
  • Why your brain wants to have a purpose
  • The Purpose Equation - your path to your exciting future
  • Identify and overcome what holds you back
  • The 6 Life Changing Steps to your Finding Your Uniqueness
  • How to live and celebrate your unique purpose


Amazing Brain Tool 6:


Time for Action!
You've learned all this great knowledge and now it's time for action!  But don't worry, you aren't doing it alone, we are giving you a brilliant pathway for success - a dealing with roadblocks, fears and the danger of procrastination!  This is is the final powerful step towards your new, confident self (watch out world!)
Module Highlights:
  • Create your exceptional life with transformative goals and vision
  • Techniques to manage your fear of failure and overcome unexpected road blocks
  • Build your Brain Powered Confidence Action Plan
  • Step into your next chapter with Unstoppable Confidence!
Amazing Brain Tool 7:


  • Unlimited 24/7 access to the Brain Powered Confidence Private Community for support & accountability
  • Loads of unique Brain Powered additional career & neuroscience tools!
  • Special rates on other courses and offerings
  • Access to the Brain Powered Research Library
  • How to live and celebrate your unique purpose

    ...And much more!




The Brain Powered Confidence Course - for when you want Flexibility, Simplicity and Independence

  • 7 Brilliant Modules including Final Step Action Plan

  • Step by step self-paced, high-quality video learning

  • Beautiful, fully editable digital workbooks

  • Easy to follow xercises

  • High-Impact Success Tools and Habits

  • Over 30 different Neuroscience-based tools and models

  • Quizzes & Checklists for Deeper Learning

  • Completion Certificate
  • Access to the Brain Powered Research Library
  • Lifetime access to Members only Community page 
  • 56 lessons, approx 4 hours of on-demand videos. 
  • Total completion time including exercises, approx 7-8 hours.
Over ÂŁ1600


* Price for a limited time only

Payment Plan available

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VIP (Most Popular)


* The Special Treatment * - for when you want Bespoke Coaching, Connection, Accountability and Structure to Ensure You Take Action!

  • 7 Brilliant Modules including Final Step Action Plan

  • Step-by-step self-paced, high-quality video learning

  • Beautiful, fully-editable digital workbooks

  • Easy to follow Exercises

  • High-Impact Success Tools and Habits

  • Over 30 different Neuroscience-based tools and models

  • Quizzes & Checklists for Deeper Learning

  • Completion Certificate
  • Access to the Brain Powered Research Library
  • Lifetime access to Members only Community page 
  • 56 lessons, approx 4 hours of on-demand videos. 
  • Total completion time including exercises, approx 7-8 hours.
  • 7 LIVE Masterclasses and Group Coaching with Your Professional Executive & Confidence Coach (worth over ÂŁ2000)
  • Exclusive Bonus Training: Emotions and how the Brain works (worth over ÂŁ200)
  • Accountability Pods to partner in your success** (priceless!) 
Over £3800


 * Price for a limited time only

** Subject to numbers

Payment Plan available


The Complete Brain Powered Confidence Programme

Join me on the journey to exceptional confidence - you won’t regret it!

Frequently asked questions

Inside Brain Powered Coaching, you will get…

7 High-Value Modules

 - showing you the powerful tools & techniques you can use to transform your confidence levels & give you the life you deserve

Over 30 Tools and Frameworks

that you can use immediately to shift your mindset & beat the self-doubt that holds you back

A completely unique approach using the Neuroscience of Confidence

- the latest science & research to empower you for long-lasting change and next level success

Real-life, Practical Coaching, Advice and Examples

- that you can relate to, guiding you on the actions, strategies, tools & habits which genuinely work!

Ready to snag over £4400 worth of value?

Yes please!

A final word from Caroline

"MOST  PEOPLE know what they need to change but don’t know how to do it. 
They’ve sat in the same situation, role, company, industry or path, feeling unsatisfied and eventually bored, knowing they can do more. 
My challenge to you is DON'T SETTLE.  You don’t have to! 
This is the step on the path to taking control of your career, purpose and performance. 
Let me take you on the journey to exceptional – you won’t regret it!"
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You're covered by our Guarantee


We’re so confident that you’ll love Brain Powered Confidence that we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.  This gives you ample time to test out the program and work through the first 2 modules of the course.

If, after 14 days of working through the first 2 modules and you don’t feel totally motivated and inspired to continue, simply reach out.

Show us you’ve put in the work, and you’ll be eligible for a full refund. 

Our full cancellation policy is in our Terms and Conditions